What's New in Inventory?
Odoo Inventory V15 comes with a lot of new features and improvements.
11 ตุลาคม, 2021 by
What's New in Inventory?
นาย ธนกฤต วงค์ยืด


Odoo Inventory V15 comes with a lot of new features and improvements. Discover cyclic inventory, our new reservation, and replenishment possibilities, as well as all the way pickings can be managed. But that's not all, a lot of already existing features received functionality and usability improvements. From barcode scanner to automated fulfillment, discover the best Inventory app Odoo has ever created.
What's New in Inventory?
นาย ธนกฤต วงค์ยืด 11 ตุลาคม, 2021
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